Friday, April 4, 2008

so i got you these flowers

hey you. listen... i know lately things have been a little rocky between us. you've called and left messages that i haven't returned... and maybe you're feeling a little bit neglected. like this is a one sided conversation... but as shania twain put it, "you're still the one i run to, the one that i belong to"
so let's not let one post of unanswered comments come between us... i think we have something really beautiful going on here. don't throw it all away... can't you find it in your heart to accept these flowers and my apology?

ha... ok, for real though gang... sorry i've been absent the past week! i was hanging out with angie fab last night and she was like, "you suck at blogging" ha... things have been a bit busy lately, but i wanted you all to know that i really appreciate this community. you are all wonderful friends and you mean the world to me! thanks for being patient! (:

more posts to come... sooner than later ang


kirsten said...

danny, how did you know that cherry blossoms are my favorite?!!? so sah-weeeeet!!

i mean, so sweet-NESS. ;o)

i have been so absentee this week too. this is only the second time i've been out blogging this week. yikes! i'm slipping. maybe i suck at blogging now too.

we're all here. like always. and yeah, it's OK to have a life aside from blogging. {i think}

love you, bro!

Danny said...

God told me (:
ha... we should start a support group!
"hello... my name is dan churchill... and i suck a blogging."


love you sissy! glad you enjoyed the flowers! (:

terri said... for me? thanks honey!

Anonymous said...

i'm likin the look of this, my friend. :)

christianne said...

this cracked me up. i read the first portion as if you had said it in a pseudo-barry white voice. :)

Sarah said...

awww, you shouldn't have.

I'm Sarah, and I also suck at blogging (this week, anyway).

Danny said...

you're welcome!

i thought you might (:

ha... good! that's totally what i was thinking too! or like on a boys2men song where the dude talks during the instrumental break! ha... love you sissy!

my pleasure (:
welcome to the support group sarah!