Friday, April 4, 2008

response yo

so i wanted to take time to reply to all of your wonderful comments on my
last post. so this is my thank you post for those of you that took time to write your thoughts (:

i've said this before, but i honestly admire you danny. i'm very proud of the way you dig into your life with God. bless you sweetie.
-thanks momma... you raised me right! take some credit! (:
Dean said...
OK, OK, I'm feeling convicted enough already ;)
You really do dig deep and that honesty challenges me to take another hard look at where I'm at and what I'm painting over and covering up.
You go, wild man!

-thank you dean. ha... sorry to bring the conviction! it's very humbling knowing that my struggles are making people take a look into their own lives (:
Marcia Erickson said...
wow are amazing...God is amazing...thank you for sharing what God is doing in you...i'm blessed...
ps...God is the Master artist!
-thank you shasha... YOU are amazing! ha... love you!
Pentimento said...
Danny - you GOT and explained the concept of Pentimento much better than I have!
When I think of the ripped and torn picture, the first thing that I saw was, of course, a mystery, and an adventure! Which immediately intrigues me. I once acquired an old torn up, faded hundred year old picture, and carefully and after much patience and the gentlest work, discovered a treasure that explained so much. I can't wait to see what appears on your canvas.
-thank you marcell! i never really understood what pentimento meant until di sent me the link to your post about it! i was completely blown away! it's pretty much the exact same idea! how cool is God?! thank you so much for sharing!
angie fabulous said...
good stuff, danno.
i'm reminded of the elevator music song we were listening to last night...
more of you, and less of me; more of you, and less of me, and more of you, more of you, Jesus.
ps. definitely not "more of you, jeremy" either. :) :) :)
-thank you angie! SUCH a good song! ha... and i actually kind of liked jeremy's version... ha
di said...
i sure am sensing a unity of the spirit between your insights danny and this artist's
rendering. your canvas certainly is made of quality dna and comes from a noble bloodline that truly reflects the glory of Imago Dei. you are beautiful man.
-thank you so much di! this link you gave me was so cool! (:
Sarah said...
What a beautiful image, bro. I love it, and all your detail here makes it stand out even more. I love the honesty here, your truth-telling in the midst of this process. I can't wait to see what God does with it all.
-thank you sarah... i really liked this image too... i was like, "wow... thanks God..." ha... yes, i can't wait to see what He does... i'll keep you posted though (:
dave said...
don't ever loose that tender openness with what god is doing with you danny.
I find it fascinating how we constantly fill our lives with our stuff. stuff we think will make us happy because, after all we're the experts on ourselves. only to find out our "floor plans" are seriously flawed and we go back to the master builder to have him show us whats good and pure descent.
david had some phenomenal insight on this stuff. "CREATE in me a clean heart oh god. RENEW in me a right spirit"
creating. renewing. god is so cool. amazing grace saved a wretch like me . . .
-thank you poppa... your words here really touched me... i like how you shifted from God as the painter to God as the builder... He's really a master of all trades huh? love you poppa!
kirsten said...
danny, you are so ahead of the game bro. there are men & women of faith who die old & wrinkled without really getting this: that being stripped of ourselves hurts, it means letting go of what we know & lean most heavily upon. it even means letting go of our ideas of what is good & right sometimes. this is necessary so jesus can fill us with himself. he can't fill us if we aren't empty. gosh, that HURTS. but jesus did it (phil. 2). it makes sense that we need to also.
your momma & poppa have every reason to be proud of you. i'm just proud to know you.
you've painted a beautiful word picture here, one that inspires me to return to the foot of the cross, lay myself down, spread my arms and my hands wide open.
love you, bro.
-thank you ksissy! gosh i love you! ha.. "he can't fill us if we aren't empty"... so good... thank you so much for sharing your thoughts kirsten. you are wonderful!
Meli said...
it makes me less mad at you.
:) j/k. j/k.
-thanks meli... glad you're feeling less mad (:
di said...
thought of you danny as i was reading today's daily manna...looked up the Message version for this
a different kind of canvas

2 Corinthians 5
1-5For instance, we know that when these bodies of ours are taken down like tents and folded away, they will be replaced by resurrection bodies in heaven—God-made, not handmade—and we'll never have to relocate our "tents" again. Sometimes we can hardly wait to move—and so we cry out in frustration. Compared to what's coming, living conditions around here seem like a stopover in an unfurnished shack, and we're tired of it! We've been given a glimpse of the real thing, our true home, our resurrection bodies! The Spirit of God whets our appetite by giving us a taste of what's ahead. He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we'll never settle for less.
-thank you AGAIN di! (: this is super powerful and really hit home! it meets me exactly where i'm at...
Christianne said...
dude, danny. i totally feel you on all this, bro. God be with you, as he is also with me.
-thanks chrissy! i like your prayer at the end there... (:
Nathan said...
A friend of mine often says this, "Nathan, I feel like I'm being ripped out of the frame." I thought of that as I read your post.
Lot's of great insight there Danny. Emptiness is hard (I'm still there), but I also know that refilling is mind blowing . . . mos def worth it.
Thanks for another glimpse into your journey. It helps frame mine, so to speak and keep it in perspective.
-thank you nathan... i like that quote you slipped in here... being ripped out of the frame... that's a really cool way of putting it... and i really appreciate your feedback!

again... a big thank you to this community for the love and support!


terri said...

you're funny. thanks for all that attention danny. between this and the flowers i'm feeling pretty special.

christianne said...

me too! me too! thanks, danny bro.

Danny said...

good! that's kinda the point!

you're oh so very welcome!

kirsten said...

love you, danny!! ;o)

Danny said...

love you more kirsten!!!