Friday, March 21, 2008

good friday

so i'm getting ready for my church's good friday service... i'm actually going to be in a skit during this service. the skit it supposed to be serious and dramatic and really pierce people's hearts. but all i can think about is how dumb it is and how i wish i didn't have to be in it. i know i have a crappy attitude about it, but honestly, when i volunteered to be a part of this, i was thinking that the skit was actually going to be really good... then i read the script and it's not that it's a bad skit... it's just not very meaningful or powerful in my opinion... here's my part.

i play a husband who's planning a vacation to scotland with his wife. on this vacation, i make it clear to my wife that i want to go golfing. she has other plans... shopping and sight-seeing. so i tell her in a very rude way that it's MY money that's paying for this vacation and i'll do whatever i want. that's the gist of the first part... then we do the skit again, but this time instead of being mean and rude, i'm a total cheese-ball sap. when she suggests shopping and stuff, i get down on my knees and start washing her feet and my line is, "well i suppose we can postpone golfing till wednesday. maybe tom and dave (my golfing buddies) can go sight-seeing with us? or maybe they can check out a smaller course?" and then she says, "thanks hunny, this really means a lot to me."

end skit.

i don't know... it just seems lame to me. like the message of the skit is, don't be rude and mean, be nice and compromise. the washing the feet part is cool, but i don't think the lines go in depth enough... like, "honey, i've really been looking forward to golfing with my buddies and the truth is, i don't want to give it up. but i love you, and you're way more important to me than golf. so i'm willing to compromise... let's plan this vacation together." i don't know... something like that... something a little more realistic, cause the way it is right now, it seems like the way to serve and wash someone's feet is to do whatever they want. and i don't really think that's right... sometimes it is...

i feel like choosing to live a life of washing other's feet is a process of recognizing what your hopes and desires are, and then saying, "yeah, this is what i want... but even more than all that, i want to serve others. so how can i be christ to this person right now?" and if it looks like postponing your golfing trip to spend time with your wife, then great! but to not show that process is pretty weak i think.

but on top of all of that, i'm whining and complaining about a skit on good friday. i think my heart is somewhat in the right place, but my attitude stinks. so i'm choosing to put my own selfishness aside and serve. i've recognized what my desires are for this night, and now i'm asking myself, how can i be christ to those around me? and so regardless of whether i think the skit is bad or not... i'm going to do my best, keep a positive outlook on things, and i'm going to quit grumbling... cause i think that's what jesus would have done.

consider this a rant (:


christianne said...

so basically you're telling me that you're applying to this situation the exact response you would wish for your character to be able to present. that's pretty deep, man. your response, i mean. not the skit.

i'm with you on the skit. skits, in their essence, are always gonna be on the losing end of this argument for greater depth . . . because i guess their essence is to be short and pithy. not that some skits can't be done with greater depth, but . . . yeah. i guess i just don't see it that often, because they're done so quickly and pith-ily.

do you realize your perspective is really awesome? like, totally cool and mature and deep and stuff? because it is. love doesn't mean being a sap. love means being truthful and caring at the same time.

i'd say you're pretty smart for a guy your age. i tell people you learned it all from me, your big sis. :)

ps: this new banner is even cooler than the previous version!

Sarah said...

I'm with you on the whole skit thing...skits, by their very nature, are so short and...something...that I'm not sure they CAN be what you'd like this one to be.

I'm reminded of the idea that you can't deny yourself until you have a self to deny--the whole idea that it's important to know what you want, but not always so you can fight for it--sometimes, it's so you can choose to give it up for something that someone else wants.

I'm really impressed by your willingness to make this choice, to walk into this not being totally excited but also not walking away. Cool, bro.

terri said...

danny, if anyone could have pulled this off, it would be you. i'm so proud of you that you threw yourself into this despite your reservations. sounds like foot-washing to me. love you honey.

terri said...

and yeah, blech...i hate skits. i'm pretty sure that if i end up in hell it will be one long cheesy skit.

Dean said...

Danny, I'm completely with you on your issue with the skit as written. It would leave me pretty cold and wondering why men are encouraged to be complete pushovers. Whereas the version you'd prefer would work for me and have my support. So, whatever you chose to do, I like the thought that went into it all.

di said...

hey danny, i'm with you and all the former commenters on the nature of skits. i will say that despite the script you pulled it off dude with just the right tone in your voice. your spin would have been a better example of relating in love; i chose to imagine a script where the husband actually was willing to forego the golf game but in a mutually loving submission the wife just would not allow it...and suddenly both of them are washing each other's feet sincerely wanting the best for the other person and together they begin considering their options for how to lay down their plans and create a new one because now they care more for the person than the golfing or shopping or whatever. and if only one got their way this time they'd actually feel a little gypped out of being a blessing but knowing their opportunity will come soon enough because that's just how they do their marriage. being for one another. sadly, the scenario you played out is probably the reality for more people than we i'm sure God is able to use it for good in more ways than we can even imagine.

overall i believe the four vignettes accomplished what they set out to do and the whole was greater than the sum of its parts and, in my humble opinion, a well done moving little skit afterall.

of course all in all we must factor in the communion, awesome worship and seeing friends and families reflecting on the Cross....

then bursting forth in glorious Day
up from the grave He rose again

He is Risen!

Anonymous said...

good job, danno.

i freakin hate skits. when watching them, i always get that feeling of "i feel awkward for the people in the skit, so it's making me awkward." it's terrible, i know.

but anyway, i'm glad you could get past it and do it up anyway! :)

MK said...

i know how you feel d...onetime this guy and his thug had me act for a mafia movie and they were bad script writers too...and made me look dumb. and one other time (at band camp)...when luke was in high school i had to do another skit in my robe by the same skit drips.


Danny said...

yep... ha... that's basically what i'm telling you! it's poetic right? (:
yeah, i guess it's more of a drama than a skit. cause i feel like skits are funny... and this one wasn't... well, it was at a couple parts, but it wasn't supposed to be...
and you're right by the way... all my perspective and mature, cool, deep thoughts... it's all you chrissy!
you like that new banner?! ha... that's some photoshop skills right there! ha... had to step it up from paint ya know? (:
love ya sissy!

wow... i had no idea that people would respond with such meaningful comments to this post... honestly when i was done writing it i thought to myself, "everyone's gonna think i'm just a big baby." but it seems to have stuck a chord with some people! yeah, you're totally right sarah.. a skit maybe was just the wrong approach to convey the idea... and i love what you wrote about "you can't deny yourself until you have a self to deny"... you have to first identify yourself... who you are and all that it entails... wow.
and did you just call me bro? did i just gain another new sister?! oh happy day! (:

thanks mom. ha... you have so much faith in me... but honestly, denzel washington couldn't have pulled this one off... ha... and that's a really scary image of hell you painted... try not to be so graphic... sheesh...

thanks for the support bro. yeah, before we went up to do the skit, we sang a worship song. and as i was singing, i was just releasing my grip on everything... like, "alright God... i think this is gonna bomb... but you can take anything and use it for good. so please.. take this skit, and touch somebody's heart." and so we went up, did the skit... everyone clapped and it seemed to go over well... though i think a lot of people were left feeling a bit awkward... but yeah, all i can do is just keep moving forward step by step as God leads... ugh... i jsut wish He'd tell me a little bit about where we're going BEFORE we get there! ha...

wow! i absolutely loved your thoughts here! you even went a step up and suggested mutual foot washing which is SO RIGHT ON! oh my goodness... when i was reading that i was like, "YES! THAT'S IT!!!" ha... ask my mom.
i'm glad you thought the skit went over well di. maybe i'm just being a bit critical... and you're right, there was a whole rest of the service with worship, and communion! very cool thoughts (:

ha... yeah, i actually like skits... just as long as they're done really really really well... ha... which is a rarity... but whatev... joey and janelle and seth and a bunch of other people all showed up a little bit late and missed it! ha... i was like, "oh darn. you missed it. oh well, maybe next never."

hold up a sec. you were in MAFIA?! how did you get to be so lucky?! i heard the dudes who cast for that movie are pretty selective and extremely professional... i'd be countin' your blessings if i were you... and you even got to work with them when they were just starting out!? that kinda makes you famous... i'm just sayin...

dave said...


skits. yeah they're kind of hit and miss. usually more miss but what are you gonna do? they always ask people who they think are funny, personalities, or people who'll do anything.

which one or one's are you?

bless you for being the servant in this one . . .

Danny said...

thanks dude... it definitely wasn't easy... ha...
honestly.. i'm not sure which one of those i am... ha... i'd like to think i'm funny... but the whole doing anything part doesn't sound as attractive...
love you!

kirsten said...

danny dear,
yup. a short little skit certainly can't get at something as profound as foot-washing, especially if it was as pithy & contrived-sounding as you describe.

it's weird though, i see a lot of us here saying that skits are cheesy & i'd have to add myself to that list, too. but man, i've seen God use those things that i think are just silly & total cheese to grab someone. as people who have been walking by faith for a time, we know there's SO MUCH MORE than the skit conveys. it barely scratches the surface & it could be so much better. but God uses that sometimes to grab people & get their attention so He can start doing the real work of soul transformation.

i dunno. from the way you described it, it sounds way contrived. it sounds like it misses the process of going from selfishness to foot-washing which is definitely important. God brings righteousness out of our filthy rags all the time; certainly He can work with a skit.

and i'm with sissy-c on this one: your response to this whole situation is much like the one you'd like to see in the skit. nothing like walking the talk.

sorry i've been quiet around here lately ... so tired these days, just sitting with the amazing & awesome stuff God is doing in my little corner of the world.

love you, bro.

blessings & peace,

Sarah said... you acquire sisters regularly? Sorry...for some reason, that seemed funny to me...must less funny written out here.

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside thinking of you as, yeah, you do have another sister ;)

Danny said...

hey sis! don't sweat it... everyone needs to disappear once in a while... no worries (:
yeah, i was thinking about that too though... how even though i'm feeling all skeptical about what this skit is going to accomplish, it actually might be impacting someone in a really powerful way! the whole time i was doing skits through YWAM, i was feeling this way... but time after time we'd visit a new church, do our skit, and we would have an overflow of people who were really touched by the skit... the skit that i thought was lame-sauce.
love you sissy... thanks for the perspective (:

Danny said...

ha... well i think the count is up to 4 or 5 now... and could have sworn my mom only gave birth to two boys! ha... but the more the merrier! welcome to the fam! (:

di said...

love this color scheme, fabulous, everytime i surf over to see what's new here my eyes just want to stay and soak up the entire palette. and your pic makes me smile too. note to self...change colors some day.

hope you're having a good tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I am totally laughing dan. GB tried to volunteer me for that skit and I was lucky they had already filled the position! I was willing to do it, but dreading the thought. i have the same reaction to skits as your mom. I am not sure I have seen a cool skit...I also haven't seen a cool mullet, or cool zuba pants...I haven't seen anyone look cool wearing a name tag... that's just me being weird though.
Hey...maybe if a guy with a mullet, zuba pants and wearing a name tag washed someone's THAT would be a cool skit!

Danny said...

awwwwww... thank you di! you're so sweet! (:

ha... glad i could amuse you! ha... YOU should have been up there with me!!! then it would have actually been awesome! ha... i love your mullet-zuba-nametag-skit idea. i think we need to submit that to the woodland hills staff.

terri said...

cool sidebar pics sweetie. and i love the header graphic. i should have you dress up my blog. i don't know the first thing about any of that.

terri said...

thanks! yeah, i spent some time yesterday spicing the page up a bit... glad you like it! (:
if you want to play around with yours, just let me know! i'd be happy to help!

Danny said...

ha... totally posted that as you on accident! goll! learn how to sign out when you're done! (:

terri said...

gol! get your own computer! ;)