Monday, April 28, 2008

ministry hizzle

ok, so here are some pics of the house we checked out the other day... it's right above a pizza joint called dino's gourmet pizza which automatically makes it the sweetest place EVER... it's a 5 bedroom apartment with a porch, a bathroom, a living room and dining room, and a big parking lot just for us! and the price is right!
before we even set foot inside, natalie and i both had a feeling this place was going to be perfect... and it was.
sorry some of these pictures are super dark... we just snapped a bunch right before we left and most of the lights were off...
as we were walking through the apartment... i began asking God again to send us the people that are supposed to be living with us in the ministry home... and we need like 5 or 6 to make it happen... by the end of the day we had one guy ricky 100% committed to the house! and 3-4 other people expressing interest! as of today we have 2 people that are right on the fence... about 90% sure that God is leading them to live with us!

God is delivering quickly on this one!

please keep praying for us! we need it now more than ever!

enjoy the pics!


dave said...


When I was delivering for ups that house was on my route. Used to stop at dino's for lunch every so often. They make a mean pie!

Looks like a great place Dan.

will be praying . . .

di said...

gorgeous! awesome! holy hizzle it's perfect fo shizzle!

terri said...

:) this is going really fast danny. i'm praying that we're all able to hear God crystal clear and that this ministry is everything he intends. it was exciting walking from room to room, dreaming and praying...

Sarah said...

I LOVE the sconces over the fireplace...they ARE perfect. I'm praying for you guys and all the details.

Natalie Potts said...

yay! thanks for putting these up Danny!

MK said...

"DANG Gina!"

You move fast! er uh...maybe God does. ;-)

Cool D! love ya...

Dean said...

I'm with Marcia on this: You sure do move fast!

Keep the updates coming, I'm fascinated.

Danny said...

ha... that's so cool that you are familiar with dino's! thanks for praying dad... we seriously need it! we'll have to go over there and grab a slice sometime soon! i hear it's the same guy that's been running it for the past 30 years! (:

ha... i love your slang yo! isn't it fabulous?!

it is going incredibly fast huh? but don't mistake that for us foolishness! we are definitely rushing... we are rushing towards the dream that God put in our hearts... we are rushing towards becoming the people He created us to be... to live the way He created us to live... we're going to be super thoughtful & prayerful as we take steps forward... (:
i'm glad you were there with us for the first glimpse!

yeah, that fireplace is MONEY! so awesome... thank you SO MUCH for your prayers sarah! that's what we need!

you are oh so very welcome! (:

yes... this is moving ridiculously fast... there are a lot of things that are up in the air that we still need to figure out... but there were a few things that were clear right away... pray for God to send people to live in this house... and find a house... so that's what we're doing... ha... and we're asking Him to fill in the blanks as we go along... wow... this is exciting! love you too shasha!

ha... so we all agree that this is happening fast yeah? (:
i'll keep you updated homie!

di said...

it looks, sounds, and feels perfect danny!~ smells and tastes pizzalicious too! remember seth's sermon about a raft, a canoe, a windsurfing board? well that's what this is like to me...your vessel was ready and sails were up to catch a good gust and now you're caught up in the wind of the Spirit....not having to paddle against the current in your own power nor float aimlessly on the sea of are caught up in a radically real slice of Life man! what would urban dictionary call that homie?

praying my heart out for you all! let's have a slice at dino's and compare notes and dream about a live or recorded testimony/worship opportunity ... no piling more on your plate now can wait for a calmer summer eve after you've settled in a while.

love you!

christianne said...


[i had to use all caps in order to express my excitement about this for you.]

i love that built-in bookshelf in the bedroom, and the hardwood floors. oh, and the rug under the dining table.

so this place comes furnished, yo? awesome.

dude, everyone has already said it, but it is amazing how quickly everything is coming together. like God has been preparing you all for this all along, and now he's ready to just let the floodgates open and the water to pour on OUT.

that dino's pizza looks, well, i can't possibly say it any better than di did: pizzalicious! yum!!

Danny said...

thank you so much for your encouragement and excitement!!! we'll definitely have to plan on sitting down and brainstorming some stuff together... you know... angie fabulous is actually going to be living in the house! she just committed yesterday! so i can totally see some worship ministry happening! love you too di!

SISSY!!! can you believe all this?! ha... i feel your excitement! yeah, that room with the built in bookshelf is gonna be the jesus room! ha... so nobody will be rooming out of that one... and yeah, it comes furnished with all that stuff! cool huh?!
now when you come to visit, you can stay with us and sleep in the jesus room and have pizza for breakfast!!! WOOOO!!!
love you sissy!

kirsten said...

that's awesome!! the place looks great. your mama was telling me about this place & for reals ... it sounds awesome. ;o)

Danny said...

thanks for the support sissy! you are the best! :)

Anonymous said...

hey here's my blog. realized i forgot to sign in to it when i last commented
i'm nervous danny! it's like a big movie release : )