Sunday, February 10, 2008


i feel like this mutemath song is an answer to my last blog... if you haven't ever heard of mutemath, please go get some of their music pronto.


take control of the atmosphere
take me far away from here
there is no better loss than to lose myself in you
in a parachute to glide, i am captive in your sky
surrender somehow becomes so beautiful

take control of the atmosphere
take control of the atmosphere
you can take my world you can fill the air
take control, take control

such a beautiful surrender
such a beautiful surrender
such a beautiful surrender
such a beautiful surrender

move me up through the darkest clouds
till i've lost in the sun every shadow of doubt
there is no better find than to find myself with you
in a fog you are all I see
i'm inviting you closer with each time i breathe
surrender somehow becomes so beautiful

take control of the atmosphere
take control of the atmosphere
there is no reason i should breathe unless you're in the air
take control

such a beautiful surrender
such a beautiful surrender
and i'm calling out
would you take control
And i'm calling out


Anonymous said...

mmmm. i love mute math in a way that words can't describe.

Danny said...



christianne said...

thanks for sharing this, danny. it meets me exactly where i am. funny, too, because kirk was reading me a section of a book he's reading right now (called "invitation to a journey" by some guy with the last name mulholland), and the section was all about the human need for control and how we do all we can to hang onto it.

it's funny, too, because as he was reading the chapter, the power went out, i think due to some construction going on somewhere down the street. this meant we jumped up real fast to make sure we could get in showers for the day . . . just to make sure we controlled having hot water, since who knew how long the power would be out?

i love how God tested our reserve for control, and how we failed miserably without giving it a second thought. :)

anyway, yeah, control. something i think i'm walking into a season of learning to let go of.

christianne said...

ps: who am i kidding? a season??? more like a lifetime.

kirsten said...

i am going to need to get another job to keep me in good books & music. geez!

i love the lyrics to this song & i'm willing to bet the music good too, yes? ;o)

releasing control ... i know god is asking me to release a very specific thing and argh ... i don't wanna. serious silliness.

thanks bro. love,

terri said...

mutemath has it going on like crazy. when are they coming out with something new anyway?

and the message...releasing control is the biggest challenge of all i think.

Nathan said...

Imma try to keep expanding my musical palate.... checked em out on youtube

dave said...

I LOVE MUTEMATH! Thanks for turning the old man onto some new stuff.

Sometimes I get stuck back in the seventies and need to be pulled into the here and now.

Love ya buddy.

Now about that sleep schedule . . .

Danny said...


i'm glad that this song spoke to you! sounds like a pretty good book your hubby's reading!
don't be so hard on yourself about the power going out & you two jumping up to get showers... maybe God was testing your reflexes!
i believe it takes a lifetime to release control... it's a daily process & choice.


sorry... that deserved all caps... whatever it is that God is asking you to let go of... just do it.
i was talking to a friend of mine recently who's really struggling with some stuff... she wants to change but she doesn't think she can. and i told her flat out, "you have a choice in all of this. you can choose to do things your own way... or God's way. if you do things your way... you're going to be miserable in life. you will never have complete peace. but if you choose God's way... i can't guarantee a perfect life... in fact i guarantee it won't be perfect... it will be extremely hard. but God will be with you through everything. and your heart will begin to change for the good."
and yeah Kirsten... your situation probably isn't as drastic... or maybe it is... either way... don't choose to do this your way.
OH... and go get some mutemath! (:


they'll come out with some new stuff soon enough! until then, just soak up the stuff you already have yeah... releasing control... that's a tough one. but it's SO necessary!


what did you think?


hey dude... no problem! after all, you're the one who introduced me to SWITCHFOOT!!! oh yeah... you're the man!

sleep schedule? pshhh... i'm pretty much all better now at this point... almost... sort of... (we'll talk later)... heh...

kirsten said...

danny - ok, i'll give some grace on the capitalization! ;o) yeah. it really does boil down to surrender. i think the big for me is that sometimes, it's hard to know what that looks like depending on the situation, or even sometimes when you're seizing control but don't realize that you are. i think that's a lot of what i'm learning lately - where i'm seeking my own way, & what it looks like to let go.

God is so crazy huge, you know? the most amazing blessings come from that place of letting go of control, getting out of His way, & just having a time of watching what He does ... ;o)

peace, brother!

Dean said...

Danny, just how old did you say you are again??? You've got some wise words going there.
I'm big on the issue of fathering children and what I see between you & your Dad is just awesome. I'll keep working on my four...

Danny said...


true dat sissy... yeah, i hear what you're saying... discerning the situation can be pretty tricky sometimes... well... a lot of the times actually... ha.. but the word says that truth is hidden FOR you, not from you... so keep seeking truth & clarity and God will give it to you in His timing right? (:
hey... i was wondering... how do you pronounce your name?



hey dude. i'm 23. just turned in January actually (:
me and my padre are super tight! him and my momma raised me right, that's for sure. i couldn't ask for better parents! 4 kids huh? wow! sounds like you got your hands full! i'll be praying for you buddy! but i'm sure your kids are getting lots of love (:

MK said...

i don't understand would i get mutemath?

Danny said...


i'll burn you a cd (:

kirsten said...

danny - i think my name is pronounced more like your second example: kurrrr-sten.

my dad used to always say "burstin' kirsten" to help people remember. the two are supposed to rhyme [yes, i have a gift of stating the obvious].

i just wrote a post about needing to let go on my other blog [yeah, i'm obsessed. i have 2 blogs]. the link is on my profile.

and dude, i know you're about to leave for mexico, but feel free to e-mail me sometime if you want. the link is on my profile. your mom has it too. ;o)

p.s. i'm a january baby too! when is your b-day? mine is the 16th. january babies rule. i know there's a reason we got along so well & so fast. :o)

terri said...

oh my goodness kirsten...i've been mispronouncing your name all this time...i don't know if i'll ever recover! one of my counselors is a kirsten and it's pronounced the other way (ear). i'm pretty much screwed i think, although the "burstin kirsten" might help. sorry!

Nathan said...

mute math . . . talented

Danny said...


ha... YES! i was actually pronouncing it right all along! i'm special i guess...
i'm definitely gonna have to go check out that other blog! pronto!
yeah, i'm january 19th! way to be born in the coolest (coldest) month of the year!
i'm also gonna have to take you up on that e-mail offer (:


it's probably a good thing i brought this up! otherwise when she comes to visit you'd pronounce her name wrong and... well that would be extremely embarrassing! i just saved you. your welcome. (:


dude. i'm glad you think so. this is by far my favorite band at the moment. these guys are freakin' amazing!

christianne said...

hey bro -- you have the same birthday as my hub, kirk! and my day's the day before -- the 18th. (i know, crazy that he and i have birthdays right next to each other.)

i'm feeling all the january love floating around here. :)

Danny said...


NICE!!! ha... january obviously rules. clearly. tell kirk i said he's a stud. (: