growing pains
i feel like a totally different person lately. like i've lost a little bit of who i am. but the parts i'm losing need to go. they've needed to go for a long time now. and it's not just physical things like fat & decay. there are things beneath the service that are slowly melting away. greed. laziness. hardness towards god. i've been finding myself wanting to be more generous. i feel highly motivated. i'm starting to "feel" god like i used to when i was young. i'm just so glad for everything that the lord is bringing me through right now. more than ever, i feel that i'm becoming the man he's created me to be. but it kinda hurts!
today i made my 2nd trip to the dentist. had to get 2 fillings and i actually received some good news! they were concerned that these particular cavities had high potential of becoming root canals. but after removing the decay, they found that they weren't deep enough for root canal procedures. whew! that's a weight off my mind. so... 2 cavities down, 10 to go. AND next week i get to have a tooth extracted. my poor mouth. but hey, it's progress! and even though my mouth is a bit sore, i'm just SO relieved to be getting all of this taken care of now.
on a related note, i'm moving out of the 4plex i've been living in for the last year. i've decided that with all these dental expenses coming up, it might be good to move back home with my amazing parents & save some money. it's been an awesome year living here & i'm really going to miss it in so many ways. i have great roomies & great housemates. but this is also a year to start preparing for the next phase of my relationship with my girlfriend, amanda. don't get too excited! nothing's official yet. but we've been talking about it & i've decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to start saving up for a future wedding & all that comes along with that... who knows... could happen anytime :)
i just turned 27. and guess what folks? that is the amount of pounds i've lost so far! still have a long way to go, but i'm celebrating more than just another year of life... i'm celebrating the years i'm potentially adding to my life(with god's help). i had to buy a belt cause my pants are falling down. i can run almost 4 miles on the elliptical(when i started, it was really hard to do a mile). i just did a 4 day juice fast with manda. didn't particularly enjoy all of it, but i did it.
i honestly don't think i look that different yet. but i am different.
it must be permanent.
so, so proud of you danny. you inspire me. and i can't wait to have you home again. how easy is it gonna be to show up for family breakfast now? :)
it's gonna be a long walk down the hall! :)
love you so much momma!
I'm so pumped you're taking care of yourself bro! I need you to play with my boys when I get old and tired!... (ok, that sounded weird). What I mean is my kids are crazy and they need people to run in circles with. They love their Uncle Danny and so do I.
:) i love you. this made me emotional all over again the second time i read it! i admire how open you are to all this newness, and it continues to inspire me to have the same heart towards the newness God is bringing about in my own life.
dear! i can't even imagine you being more generous. dang.
it felt so exciting, and a little surreal, to be with you while you were packing today! i feel full of anticipation and hope for everything that this next year is gunna hold for us.
also, i feel like it's so great that within the past couple months you've already quadrupled the distance that you are able to run! whoa! good work love.
ok. this is long. i'm done. :)
I love the symbols. a fresh look for your blog, and freshness for your heart as well.
you are a wonderful man, I am proud to call you my friend and my brother. I feel you have been growing into the man God created you to be since before I met you!!
I'm also proud of you!! and excited for what's to come for you. Praise God for all this newness!!
joey - i love those boys. i'll be more than happy to run around in circles with them for many years to come! love you too bro.
manda - you are amazing. always so encouraging... dear, so much of this is happening because of you. i'm really grateful for you.
natalie - glad you like the changes nat! thanks for all the words of affirmation... you know how i like words :) i'm really proud to call you friend too. such a good friend!
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