reality sets in
wow... i knew this was going to be hard.... but i had no idea just how difficult living in intentional community was going to be. as you can see... i haven't written for a little over 2 weeks. pretty much since we've moved in. part of that is because we don't have internet hooked up yet (should be about 2 more days)... but another reason is because i've been so incredibly overwhelmed since i moved into the house, i haven't had time or energy to devote here... now, before you write this off as one big "venting" post... hear me out. even though it's been physically, emotionally and mentally draining thus far... everything that's happening now is so necessary for us to experience growth and community. and even though there is so much struggle & discomfort right now... i'm catching little glimpses of hope... and beauty... and God.
and here you are being formed into christlikeness. stay close to him danny. i love you like crazy...
i'm sorry the going's been tough, danny-bro. i can hear it in your words, like maybe even writing that post was difficult. you all are brave and beautiful souls to be embarking on this together and taking it all in, the good with the bad, to see what God means for it.
You sound tired from the inside out. How bold you and the others are to take this on and stick it out. Here's praying for rest for your souls.
i love you too mom. thanks for the encouragement! i need it!
can i just say again that your new hair cut looks fabulous? cause it does...
don't feel too sorry for me... i actually feel really lucky to be in the house :)
yes... writing that was difficult... it was mostly hard because i didn't have a lot of time to write it... and the things that i needed to write weren't the most happy of thoughts. thank you for your support sissy!
tired! you are right on sis... a day of rest is going to be key in this way of life :)
thank you for your prayers! love to you!
you are way ahead of so many danny, that is indeed a blasted *&%$#! blessing indeed! even more seriously, i'm 45. when i think of what i was up to at your age, well, it elicits this kind of YOU GO GIRL errr MAN!!! i'm sure it's worth it even though it doesn't feel like it a lot of the time.
Danny; Ministry is often difficult and it sounds like you guys have some growing pains to go through.
Just lean on God through this whole process. I know you will. And you know i got you covered . . .
you are so right. it is definitely worth it. thanks for your encouragement friend!
i love you more than i can explain dad. your words mean so much to me!
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